Pond Installation
Pet Safari offer a complete service in collaboration with David Shaw Creative Garden Design (BTEC Nat. Dip. Hort) for the design, construction & on-going maintenance of Ponds & Water Features. We have worked closely with David for many years (formally as Waterscapes & Waterworld) on projects for both private & corporate clients. Currently this service is available only in the Yorkshire area.
We have a wealth of knowledge spanning 34 years in the business and assist many Landscape Gardeners & Building Contractors in design & supplying the necessary equipment for successful completion of Water Features, Wildlife Ponds, Ornamental Ponds & Koi Ponds. Together, David & Pet Safari form a formidable team melded of a combination of both practical & theoretical skills & will listen closely to clients in order that their particular vision can be realised & executed successfully.
The service is not limited to schemes involving water but also provides for garden design plans & both hard & soft landscaping. For a FREE quotation 'phone 07908 750143 or e-mail admin@petsafari.co.uk